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Sphinxed’s Gift Ideas for the Modern Man

Ah, it’s Christmas. You can just feel the shift in the air. It’s that wonderful time of year where you can just walk down the street and the guy walking next you waves you a cheery hello and asks you how you’ve been. That wonderful time of year when the cashier in Spar greets you with a big smile and you walk out not caring that you just spent hundreds.

Are you feeling it? No? Yeah, me neither. But that first paragraph is still a beautiful thought.

Christmas time is actually the time of year when the special someone in your life is busy dropping subtle hints, or in most cases not so subtle hints as to what they would want for Christmas. It’s also that time of year where you’re required to fork out the cash and spend your hard earned bonus on a way too expensive gift.

Personally, just give me cash, or a voucher. I’ll buy my own shit. But some people like unwrapping gifts, and some like the challenges that gift shopping brings. This little article, though, is for those people who aren’t fond of the hours they’re losing while running around in an overcrowded shopping centre. This article is also for those who aren’t afraid to fork out some real cash, but there are also some cheaper alternatives.

Check it out.

The Apple Watch.

I’m starting off with the big guns – R5899 big. This is for that tech-savvy dude who loves to stay up to date with all the latest technological releases. I’m too poor to do that, but some guys love it. Your boy can send and receive messages, calls, and mail easily and efficiently. He can use his voice to dictate a quick text message while on the run, speak to Siri, and just generally get shit done.

A Grooming Kit

The Modern Man is under constant pressure to look good, and he especially wants to look good for the beaches during this hot summer. His face should shine brighter than the sun. A good grooming kit should include a daily face wash, an oil free moisturizer, and a facial scrub amongst other things. An efficient travel kit could work too.

A stylish pair of sunglasses

It’s summer. Maybe the hottest summer ever recorded. A stylish pair of sunglasses is essential, and why can’t your boy look dashing while still sweating his ass off? Pictured above is a pair of Tom Ford sunglasses which, *wink wink*, is what I personally would choose. You can’t go wrong with a slick pair of Aviators. Or, if it’s too expensive, Ray-Ban is still a more affordable classic.

What about a tasteful Flask for your refined dude?

It’s the holidays, and that usually means endless hours spent in the company of one’s loving family. But sometimes a man needs a secret stash of alcohol to deal with the in-laws. And if he’s hiding booze, let’s be classy about it, eh? Flasks can be beautiful, and your man would be so grateful for a sip of good whiskey while your mom is rehashing the same story she told last Christmas.

The Xbox One

When he isn’t playing games with your heart, this would be the perfect gift. Yes, grown men are still comparing their FIFA-playing abilities; they still spend hours on end in front of the television. Now they will have a reason for ignoring you. Perfect. It ain’t cheap, so be prepared to let go of about R5500.

Get him tickets to see the new Star Wars movie, in IMAX

If your Modern Man is also secretly a geek, this will be perfect. You probably know about this little movie coming out on the 16th. He probably mentioned it once or twice, or 20 000 times. Well, it’s a big film event. Get him these tickets, and he’ll be giddy like a child. Go ahead, awaken the force. If he’s a serious geek, he’ll enjoy some memorabilia too.

I hope these 6 suggestions helped a little.

And remember, don’t be a cheapskate.

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