Idols South Africa: Voices From The PastThousands of contestants have graced our screens throughout the 10 seasons of Idols South Africa. Some were easily forgotten while others...
True Detective Recap: Rising from the RuinsPhoto: HBO Yes. That’s it. For an episode titled “Church in Ruins”, the episode was anything but in ruins. It was the best episode of the...
Idols South Africa Recap: Deep WatersLast night’s Durban auditions continued the narrative of having to sift through the bad (and I mean very bad) to get to some of the good....
Strictly Come Dancing Recap: Photo Finish for Second PlaceFor the second consecutive week, the right stuff happened. The correct couples found themselves in the dance-off, and the right couple...
True Detective Recap: Time Doesn’t Heal All WoundsSo that’s how Nic Pizzolatto wants to play it. He gave the viewers minimal information throughout the first four episodes, and then bang,...
Idols South Africa Recap: Mother City Magic & MayhemAfter last week's rather luke-warm start to Season 11 of Idols South Africa I was more than just a bit sceptical about the Cape Town...
Strictly Come Dancing Recap: It’s Movie NightNow this feels like a competition. On a night that featured no particular bad performances and only one score below the 20 point mark, it...
American Idol Winners: The Hot And The NotAfter 14 seasons of the once highly popular American Idol it was announced that Season 15 would be the last. We have come along way since...
True Detective Recap: Your Worst Isn’t Your BestWhen Frank tells Ray, in an attempt to get him to leave his job as detective and work for him full-time, that “sometimes your worst self...
The Idols Factor: Heinz WincklerHeinz Winckler was the very first winner of Idols South Africa back in 2002. In celebration of the premiere of the 11th season of the...